Last Time @ Fringe

WRITTEN and DIRECTED by Lily Hensby

PERFORMED by Lotte Beckett and Sam Tilley


SHOW PHOTOGRAPHY by Josh Chodziesner and Rob Studdert

“You’re doing acting, you’re a creative. You want to be immortal. Right? I know I’m right because that’s why I do it too.”

Jesse and Lucas used to have a casual thing together before their careers took off. Lucas has a book deal and Jesse has been getting little gigs here and there, but nothing serious. After discovering they live in the same city again, Jesse wants to have one last night with Lucas in the hopes he can give her some career advice.

“I just love watching Lotte perform. Every line, she just knows how to load it, and how to deliver it. Every single line.”

- Jake Stewart, Praise Dionysus podcast

Sydney Fringe Festival, 20-24th September @ Erskineville Town Hall

Melbourne Fringe: 7, 8, 14, 15 October @ The Improv Conspiracy


  • “Lily Hensby’s words are expertly thrown back and forward in a sickening good performance by Lotte Beckett.”

    Ben Andrews, producer: The Maybe Pile

  • “Lotte Beckett in Last Time is a powerhouse and masterclass… the writing from Lily Hensby is super fresh. There’s a reason they’ve been nominated for awards.”

    Mel O’Brien, No Hat No Play

  • “Lotte Beckett is an absolute revelation in Last Time. Her delivery is perfect and her comic timing is an absolute goal for me… you gotta see this show.”

    Olivia McLeod, Pash

Comfortable in the grey – not avoiding taking sides, just reflecting life and the creatures in it isn’t as simple as good-bad, hero-villain... relationship-hookup... And rolling with it to comic, emotional and sometimes stop the room effect.

Beckett and Tilley relish every wince-able moment: Inspired running gags about Lucas’ hero worship and oblivious lecturing, the pair sparking furiously (often really furiously) off each other, wonderfully messy adult hug scenes, and a meaty showdown and serious discussion or few the duo should have had years ago, and definitely earlier in the evening. Stunning, sparks aplenty dynamite theatre that is absolutely not to be missed under any circumstances.
— Chuck Moore reviews

Last Time promotional video